Week 7

Primary Question: How can lifestyle diseases be cured and prevented using digital and physical spaces?

Aim 1: Role of physical factors in hospitals to help cure lifestyle diseases

Significance/ Phenomena you are exploring

Approach/ How will you go about this? Your unique way

  • An installation in a hospital that helps create awareness about lifestyle diseases and what people can do to prevent them
  • An exercise room/equipment in hospital waiting room, to encourage them to stay healthy and utilize their wait time

 Relevant Data (Projects, Case Studies, Previous Work)

Aim 2: Devices, apps or software that can be used to prevent or cure lifestyle diseases

 Approach/ How will you go about this? Your unique way

An app or device that constantly monitors user’s vitals and generates a report according to medical norms and user’s medical history. It sends alerts if any abnormality is found, suggests way to prevent disease based on the data generated from user’s activity

 Relevant Data (Projects, Case Studies, Previous Work)

Possible Outcomes or impact – An awareness system that can track user’s daily activity and map specific data on the basis on user’s disease for example, glucose level, blood pressure, heart beat, stress levels. Any abnormality in the tracking alerts the user/physician.

Definition of lifestyle diseases

Lifestyle disease: A disease associated with the way a person or group of people lives. Lifestyle diseases include atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke; obesity and type 2 diabetes; and diseases associated with smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. Regular physical activity helps prevent obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, and premature mortality

Week 4

Step 1: Extract Themes from Pinterest

On analyzing my Pinterest Board, I got the following themes –

  1. Funny & quirky art for social justice
  2. Calm, clean and decluttered physical spaces
  3. Strong iconography in pop art

Step 2: Writing your way into Depth + Focus

Based on my my research and my theme from Pinterest, I researched more on how art influences healthcare and added more on in dialogic research here –


Also, here is my research overview so far –


Step 3: Information for Analysis

For this step I analyzed the connection of physical and digital spaces in ailments and came up with a gap score between the digital and physical means. The gap score was between 1 to 10. Here is the analysis –


Step 4: Experiment (Expression)

My research led me to designing icons for healthcare –


New Doc 2018-02-20_1
This one depicts equal healthcare for all without injustice on economic backgrounds
New Doc 2018-02-20_2
Healthcare and empathy, Venn diagram theory

Week 3

Brainstorming Area of Interest

I experimented with two methods – Free write and question response question.

The free write activity helped me figure out area and topic. Area being Healthcare and topic – Patient Centered Care. Question Response Question further helped me probe my topic further.

Free Write 


Question Response Question

Dialogic Document –



Week 2

Card Sorting – From Interests to Idea

The card sorting activity to an extent helped me organize my thoughts and ideas. It involved mapping the work that inspires me and my interests. The questioning part was really helpful in introspecting my ideas. While I have some ideas were playing in my head for long, I wasn’t sure what and how to focus. Although I am yet to arrive to ‘the one’ this exercise gave some direction to my process.

I first wrote down the work and people that inspire me –


After that I wrote down the things that interest me –


The next part was mapping my interests with the work that inspired me –

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Mapping interests and inspiration in form of cards, gave me clarity and I figured my initial four topics were inter-related or had certain overlaps. This lead to narrowing down to two topics of interests, which I further probed with questions. A few of the intial questions are –

  1. Does storytelling impact people?
  2. How do people relate to each other based on stories?
  3. Does storytelling lead to building of communities
  4. How can patient experience be made better?
  5. What are the ways in which patient experience is made better
  6. Do both space and digital play a role in making patient experience better
  7. Can hospitals work as a community to make patient experience better?